09 April, 2008

Story Time

Here's a nice story for the family to chew on.

Grandma had ordered some pizza for us. It was canadian bacon and pineapple--without the pinapple. Pizza Hut didn't deem us worthy of it- but we showed them. We had some crushed pineapple in the fridge, so we brought that out. Nnyeh.

After the prayer, I'm just looking at Grandma putter around, grabbing the little foods or utensils that are always overlooked before the prayer, and I turn my head to Grandpa, who just snagged a piece of pizza. I thought to myself "Is there anything he won't eat?". I guess I thought out loud, because Gramps answered with "Nope". Grandma just arrived at the table then, and said "Well, maybe some of your concoctions he wouldn't touch."
I stared at Grandpa with a betrayed face that read "Is this true?"
He looked back at me and said matter-of-factly, "You gotta draw the line somewhere!"

Then I ate my pineapple-less pizza.
Well, critter is staring at me, then at the door. I think he's trying to tell me something...
Love you, Lamfam!
Sarah Michelle

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