10 November, 2007

Week of November : 4-10

This week was incredible.
So Sunday was my brother Patrick's birthday, as you might have seen my little dedication to him. This week I got two incredible texts from him:
(Yesterday's) : How goes it sister of mine? Do you hear the people sing singing the songs of angry men?

When I got this I was at the Institute Volleyball tournment, and there were plenty of men and women to listen to.

Then, my favorite.. I was driving down the street when I got this text:
Here I sit, broken hearted. Came to poop, but then I farted.

Oh Fatty, I love you! You brighten my day! haha

So I need to tell the story about my ding-dong ditching experience.
I had to pick up a few things at Wal-mart, so my friend Karin who had been exercising with me, came. She said "I don't know why, but I feel very mischevious right now!"
I agreed with her. So, we decided to ding-dong ditch our friends. We had a harder time deciding who to do it to, since most of our friends either lived in apartments, or we just didn't know where they lived. It would've been awkward to dingdong ditch an apt, since the friends aforementioned lived on second/third floors. So, they would've caught us running down the three flights of steps.
I decided to dingdong ditch a house of boys that I love dearly. I had a FuzzyWuzzy ball with googally eyes on my dashboard. We wrote a message on an attached ribbon, (Guess Who? :]) and left it on the door handle. It was pretty hard for us to knock on the door, because the boys are fast! They would've caught us for sure.. But luckily, we mustered up all our courage and knocked... (Come to find out, they heard us laughing before we knocked, so they knew we were coming. but didn't know we would run away until they heard the pitter patter of our anxious feet.) we ran back to our car, histerical with the giggles, and I put my car in reverse with the lights off, and tried to navigate down the dark road full of cars on both sides. One of the guys came running out of the house, confused, and it made us giggle even harder.
Then I felt my car run into something...

No worries, it was only the curb! So I put it into drive and slammed on the gas. If anyone knows my car, it goes from 0-60 in a half hour. But it was faster than the boy, and we made a getaway!

We get the supplies at Wal-mart, and we start to feel mischevious again... and we decide to go back. This time I had a paper airplane that a friend made for me. The game plan was to hide behind the bush (Right in front of their porch) and when they answered the door, we'd throw it, watching it glide to nicely and land on the steps... or them. Then we would pop out and yell Surprise!! and all laugh together, and they would invite us in for hot cocoa, as smiles, sunshine, and rainbows would radiate through the house.
We thought it was a fail proof plan.
So we place ourselves behind the bush and Karin is in charge of throwing the airplane. I knock
on the door and run behind the bush. The door opens, and Karin throws the airplane.
The airplane doesn't make it anywhere near the steps. It doesn't make it anywhere. It flew somewhere into the bush right in front of us, and we start laughing... uncontrollably.
This goes on for 30 seconds, or more... And we hear the guy who answered the door utter something that sounded annoyed.
Then the door shuts...
We're still laughing at our clever joke, and walk to the door. I knock. No one answers. They obviously didn't hear me, so I knock again, more determined. Still no answer. Starting to feel the giggles leave, I grab my cell phone and start texting and calling them. No one answers my calls or my texts. Where was our sunshine and rainbows? Where was the Hot Cocoa?
We realized that our ding dong ditching went wrong. So we got in my car, heads hung low. So sad! I felt so bad, I never meant anything bad to come of it. That's one lesson learned: No ding dong ditching unless it's a plate full of cookies and goodness.

So Karin goes home and I need to start working on my project, but I can't concentrate. I keep thinking about those guys and how wounded they must feel. How sad!
Then I get a phone call from one of the guys.
"Hey Sarah! What's up?"
"Hyrum! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean anything bad by ding dong ditching! I didn't mean to make you guys mad, I'm so sofydsyuwea jdskal ayhrie Etc. Etc. etc...15 minutes later etc...."

"We didn't even care. It's not a big deal at all!"


And then we made fun small talk, and hung up the cell.

Good good times.
So I made some delicious cookies... These ones actually turned out alright! And I ding dong ditched them on their doorstep the next night...
And now they don't hate me.
:) I love bribery cookies!

Anyways, let that be a lesson to you all. Let us all be kind to on another, and make sure that when you're feeling mischevious, just... ignore the feeling. Unless it's coupled with sunshine and rainbows.

So that was a good time. Then I gave an incredible Informative speech on Thursday morning. Itwas about the Bystander Effect, and to help people. Always. And I had Indiana Jones theme music playing, and I ripped off my jacket and saved someone's life. It was awesome.
Friday I was at school all day. I took an exam and got a 98%!
Then, I went to the Volleyball tournament for Institute and kept score... and hung out with the amazing Institute people. I love Institute so much! I am learning so much... and the classes are almost over, but I am going to sign up for a bajillion classes next semester and learn more and more! I'll probably take a mission prep class, as well:)
Then BRYN ANDERSON GOT ENGAGED! I don't know if you remember her, Bob, but she was in the Chesterfield stake and she loved basketball. So we had a celebratory bonfire for her last night. It was so much fun! Then I came home and crashed on my bed:)
I love the weekend!
Well, I'm going to go for a walk with Karin up the canyon now... get some Vitamin D! WooT Woot! we haven't spoken since Monday, so I'm so happy to finally see her and talk over out week:)
I love you all so much, and I am so excited it's already November!
Looooove Yooou!!!
-Sarah Michelle

1 comment:

Our Family said...

It sounds like a fun and crazy weekend. Cookies are always a great way to make things right!
Love ya,